Take 20 Minutes Every Day Just For You. Create a daily ritual where you take 20 to 30 minutes for yourself just relaxing and doing nothing (no watching tv or surfing the net). Pick up a book, listen to music, meditate, have a cup of tea, or try a new yoga pose.
People who meditate have long known that this practice has positive health benefits that include improved energy and calmness of mind.
Research shows that meditation also increases levels of melatonin, an important hormone that supports the immune system, promotes deep and restful sleep, slows cell damage and aging, improves energy and may even inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
* Two Ways to Meditate: Step-by-Step Instructions
Here are two meditation techniques that are based on those used in research studies. For maximal benefit, try to meditate for twenty minutes to half an hour before you go to sleep using the technique that feels more comfortable for you.
Mindful Meditation
1. Find a quiet and comfortable place. Sit in a chair or on the floor with your head, neck and back straight but not stiff. Try to put aside all thoughts of the past and the future and stay in the present.
2. Become aware of your breathing, focusing on the sensation of air moving in and out of your body as you breathe. Feel your belly rise and fall, the air enter your nostrils and leave your mouth. Pay attention to the way each breath changes and is different.
3. Watch every thought come and go, whether it be a worry, fear, anxiety or hope. When thoughts come up in your mind, don't ignore or suppress them but simply note them, remain calm and use your breathing as an anchor.
4. If you find yourself getting carried away in your thoughts, observe where your mind went off to, without judging, and simply return to your breathing. Remember not to be hard on yourself if this happens.
5. As the time comes to a close, sit for a minute or two, becoming aware of where you are. Get up gradually.
Relaxation Response
1. Find a quiet place and sit in a comfortable position. Try to relax your muscles.
2. Choose a word or phrase that has special meaning to you and makes you feel peaceful. Or you can try the words "Ham Sah," a Sanskrit mantra meaning "I am that."
3. As you breathe in, slowly produce the sound "hammm" as if you are sinking into a hot bath. As you exhale, slowly produce the sound "saah," which should feel like a sigh.
4. Breathe slowly and naturally. Inhale through your nose and pause for a few seconds. Exhale through your mouth, again pausing for a few seconds.
5. Don't worry about how well you are doing and don't feel bad if thoughts or feelings intrude. Simply say to yourself "Oh well" and return to your repetition.
6. As the time comes to a close, continue to be aware of your breathing but sit quietly. Becoming aware of where you are, slowly open your eyes and get up gradually.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
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