Belly Breathing
In Chinese Medicine, energy is called "qi" (pronounced "chi"), and one of the most important ways we make qi is by breathing deeply. Stress, poor posture, a snug waistline, and habit are some of the reasons why our breath doesn't make it down to the bottom of our lungs. Belly breathing, also known as diaphragmatic breathing, is a simple way we can increase our qi energy and improve our stamina.
Step 1: Calm Your Mind
The goal is to use this technique to breathe all of the time. But while you are practicing, you can sit in a chair or even stand, you don't have to sit cross-legged.

Instruction: Try to calm your mind. Forget about what you’re going to make for dinner tonight, the emails you still have to respond to, and the birthday gift you still have to get for your mother-in-law. But don’t force it, just let go of any thought that pops in your mind.
Step 2: Maintain Good Posture
Instruction: Proper posture gets the air into your lungs and helps energy flow through your body. Sit up straight, imagining a string lifting up your chest. You should feel the area between your chest and your navel lengthen.
When you try to improve your posture, you may find your muscles tensing up, especially around the abdomen. Consciously try to release any tension from your body.
Step 3: Breathe In Through Your Nose
Instruction: Breathe in through your nose evenly.

Be sure to push out your stomach rather than your chest. If it helps, rest the palm of one hand against your abdomen and then breathe in to expand your belly. You will feel your hand being pushed outward.
Count silently and slowly to three. This way, you are using your diaphragm and getting a deeper breath.
Instruction: Breathe out through your mouth. Count silently and slowly to six, remembering to pace yourself so you still have some breath left.
Step 4: Breathe Out Through Your Mouth

Step 5: Repeat Twice
Instruction: Repeat the cycle two more times. If you feel light-headed, slow down a bit (if you are standing, sit down and do it).
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