Friday, September 30, 2005

The Power of Intention

Intention is a force in the universe that allows the act of creation to take place. Intention is not something you do, but as an energy you're a part of. We're all intended here through the invisible power of intention. Intention is a field of energy that you can access to begin co-creating your life!

Everyone and everything that shows up in the world of form in this universe originates not from a particle, as quantum physics teaches us, but from an energy field. That energy field can be called God, soul, spirit, or consciousness. It looks a certain way, sounds a certain way, and feels a certain way. I try to stay in harmony with what I believe it sounds and feels like.

This source that creates worlds always is creating and loving, and it excludes no one. It is a source of unlimited abundance. It is a source that has no judgment. Anytime we have a thought that excludes others, a thought of unkindness, for example, or a thought of non-love toward ourselves or anyone else, we lose the power of intention. The power of intention is the power to manifest, to create, to live a life of unlimited abundance, and to attract into your life the right people at the right moments.

To cite Patanjali, a great scholar and divine avatar who lived back in India a couple of thousand years ago. He said that when you are steadfast in your abstention of thoughts of harm directed toward yourself and others, all living creatures will cease to feel fear in your presence. Steadfast means you never slip. Be steadfast in not having thoughts of harm - thoughts of judgment, worry, or hatred - directed toward themselves or others.

Most of the time goal setting puts too much energy and attention on being someplace else, instead of helping you appreciate where you are. Goal setting is fine if you want to be the warrior archetype. These people are setting goals constantly and trying to get someplace else. They say, "If you don't know where you are going, then you won't know when you get there."

But when you get to a higher level of consciousness, when you get into a spiritual approach to life, you are not trying to get someplace else, because you never can get it done. You never are going to get there.

Instead, what you want to do is get to a place where you are at peace. You are connected to God, you are enjoying every single day you have, and the your growth will take care of itself.

The No. 1 principle in the universe is "I intend to feel good." Feeling good is what you should be doing every day of your life.

A friend of mine visited Swami Muktananda in India. As my friend was going into the ashram, Muktananda stopped him and said, "Do you know the difference between good and God?" and my friend said, "Zero." Muktananda held up a zero and said, "That's right. When you look at God and good, the only difference between them is one little zero."

So, when you are saying you want to feel good, what you really are saying is you want to feel God: I want my thoughts to be the same as the source from which I emanated. I want to have thoughts that exclude no one. I want to have thoughts of abundance. I want to have thoughts of love, of kindness, of beauty. I want to be on a rampage of appreciation every single day.

There is a very big difference between the words motivate and inspire.

Motivation means we have an idea and we are going to carry through on that idea. We work hard at it, and we are disciplined. A highly motivated person takes an idea, goes out there, and won't let anybody interfere with them.

Inspiration is exactly the opposite. If motivation is when you get hold of an idea and carry it through to its conclusion, inspiration is the reverse. An idea gets hold of you and carries you where you are intended to go.

The word inspired comes from being in spirit, accessing a force out there. Patanjali said when you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends limitations. Your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, wonderful world.

Patanjali also said dormant forces, faculties, and talents, things you thought were inaccessible and unavailable to you, come alive when you are inspired. You discover yourself to be a far greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be.

When you are connected in that way, everyone around you is inspired. What it takes to reach this place I'm speaking about is to be in spirit. You shift who you are away from what you have, what you do, what your reputation is, what people think of you, and all of that ego-based thinking.

You shift into the understanding that who you are is a piece of God - who you are is a piece of the source - and when you stay connected to that in your thoughts you inspire others to do the same. So, it's really about modeling it and letting people know you are an inspired person, a person who is in spirit, and then those forces that Carl Jung called synchronicity begin to show up and, lo and behold, the universe provides for you.

The most important thing people can do is refuse to have any resistance to staying connected to their source. People resist being able to attract abundance into their lives. They take on an attitude that says it can't be done, it isn't working, the economy, my work, or this and that is bringing me down.

I have a sign on my door. I look at it every single day of the week. The sign says, "Attitude is everything, so pick a good one."

You need a very strong internal knowing. See what it is you would like to attract into your life. See how you would like your business to go, your relationships to go, and even your body to go in terms of overcoming addictions and dealing with weight and health issues.

All of us emanate from a source of well-being. If you do not have well-being in your life, physically or emotionally, then you have to look at what kind of energies, thoughts, and spirituality you have chosen that take you away from your source. One of the ways to get back to it is to think from the end.

Thomas Troward, who wrote beautiful lectures on mental science, said that the law of flotation was not discovered by contemplating the sinking of things. Rather, it was discovered by thinking about things that float naturally.

One of the important principles I live by is the idea that you have to contemplate yourself as surrounded by the conditions you intend to produce. The difference between highly functioning people - the people Maslow called self-actualizers - and people who live with ordinary levels of consciousness is that the self-actualizers never put their intention on what they don't want. They know that what you think about is what expands.

If you are thinking about, talking about, and spending energy on what is missing in your life, what is wrong, what you don't like, or what always has been, then you are going to continue to attract those things into your life. We become what we think about.

Self-actualizing people, highly functioning people who live at extraordinary levels of awareness, train their minds to focus on what they intend to create and what they intend to manifest, and they won't let anybody change their mind. I always think of the Wright brothers heading out toward Kitty Hawk, N.C., about 100 years ago. I don't think Orville and Wilbur said to each other, "This thing is heavier than air, so how will it get off the ground? That's an absolute impossibility." The law of flying was not discovered by the contemplation of things staying on the ground.

So, you have to contemplate yourself surrounded by the conditions you wish to produce and know you can attract divine energy to help you. Dormant forces come alive when you put your attention on what you intend to manifest and when you stay connected to your source of well-being, your source of kindness, and your source that excludes no one.

When Francis of Assisi was looking for peace, he didn't say, "Please give me some peace. I don't have any peace. I've got to have peace." What he said was, "Make me an instrument of thy peace." What I say to my source, what I say to God, always is, "Make me an instrument of the abundance that I came from, make me an instrument of thy well-being, and make me an instrument of thy love."

"What is it you want in life?" The correct answer, or the most effective answer, for anyone, is to feel good.
It always boils down to energy. Every thought you have affects everything in your body.

I would model well-being by presenting myself as a high-energy person who loves what I am doing.

Carl Jung's work has been terrifically important to me. Abraham Maslow's psychology work has been very influential in my life. I would also emphasize the work of many contemporary people out there: Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Gregg Braden, people who are involved in this same kind of energy.

But even technical work filled with formulas can be valuable and important. Einstein offered a lot of technical work on quantum physics. I refer to his work, and I have studied it, but I am not a physicist. But look at Einstein's simple statement that the most important decision you ever will make is the decision whether you live in a friendly universe or a hostile universe. To me, that alone is a life-saving thing. When I look at the news and all the things that are hostile out there, I remind myself that for every act of evil in the world, there are a million acts of kindness.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Second Sight

We are so dominated by our sense of sight that seeing-eye words have crept into our very language: our opinion is "our point of view"; if we reverse our opinion, we change the way we "look at things"; when we understand we say "I see." We experience many different ways of seeing besides ordinary physical eyesight: prophetic visions; visions of saints and mystics, shamans and healers, some of whom say they can see the illness; visions one has in dream states; visions of life review said to be seen by the dying; "eyeless vision" by which Russian experimenters read with their fingertips; sightings of witches; sightings of angels, nature sprites, fairies, elves, leprechauns, elementals, UFOs, and ghosts; ecstatic trances of those on vision quests; the perceptions of visionary artists, and of those on psychedelics and hallucinogens. Major religions were heralded with visions -- and each year there are hundreds of reported sightings of Mother Mary in the West and Kwan Yin in the East. But are all these visions equally significant? Is an accurate tarot reading in the same category as a mystic's vision of God?

Our sense of sight is extremely compelling, seeing is believing. But perhaps we have two eyes to remind us there is always more than one way to look at things, after all, it looks as though the sun moves round the earth. The very fact that our minds can override our physical sight reminds us that we exist on many planes, and that the ability to see or understand is part of our nature on each of those planes.

Spiritual vision, rooted in our spiritual nature, is the most comprehensive; it sheds light in a way that illumines and transforms our whole landscape. Mental vision, rooted in our mind, is more restricted and is expressed as comprehension. Physical vision, rooted in our astral nature, is the most limited.

We tend to act, however, as if truth were perceived with our physical eyes; as if since we see it a certain way, it truly is that way, instead of being only the aspect of truth that we perceive. We shape our world according to the shape of our physical apparatus, for example, if we had the "eyes" of a jellyfish, we would not have enough cells to form an image and all we could detect would be motion. For the jellyfish, anything motionless blends into everything else and literally does not exist till it moves.

It was once thought that our visual system recreated a tiny upside down replica of what is in front of us, and that the brain corrected the size and reversed the image. Now it is known that eyesight is really a network of events with different neurons sensitive to certain stimuli firing in response only to those specific stimuli. We have four parallel systems concerned with different attributes of vision: one for color, one for motion, and two for form. The neurons are so scattered that scientists don't understand how the brain can organize visual patterns to make a coherent picture. "Experimentalists have not found one particular region in the brain where all the information needed for visual awareness appears to come together." That's like saying that the process of seeing resembles the memory in a dot matrix printer thousands of little impulses with no paper to print on.

Understanding that our physical systems for seeing are complex, but limited to a small range of the spectrum and rather deceptive, we certainly cannot assume that 20/20 vision on the outer, material plane translates to 20/20 on the inner planes. The general category of inner vision or second sight is called clairvoyance (French for clear seeing). But what are we looking at and what are we seeing with?

Just as the visible spectrum has intricate and infinite gradations, so the invisible spheres have gradations from the lower astral to the higher. There are many gradations and layers in the astral, just as in a fog bank. Imagine standing on a hillside watching the fog roll in. At its highest, closest to the sun it is bright, warm, clear, ethereal. Where the fog is closest to the earth it is darker, cooler, harder to see through like the lower regions of the astral. Spiritual sight is like getting above the fog, surfacing above all the confusion of the lower realms and getting a breathtaking view of the whole. Astral sight is like snatching glimpses through the fog. The astral is an energy field that surrounds and permeates our earth. As the lowest intermediate plane between the physical and spiritual it is probably the basis for our stories of hell and purgatory.

Theosophic teachings state that the astral light is so plastic and sensitive that we constantly impress it with our thoughts and actions; it in turn impresses us, reflecting back everything, thoughts, actions, feelings. It is described as containing images of all that has ever happened, as well as pictures of future events whose causes are already sufficiently well defined. The transmission of vibrations through it is said to be practically instantaneous, faster than light or electricity.

Every thought we have takes the shape we give it and lives on in the astral, which is why clairvoyants can see what has happened to us. All our thoughts come through the astral, attracted to us sympathetically; strong feelings are like huge thought magnets. Impressions are made on various planes depending on intensity and duration. Some actions influence many different levels and planes so much that untrained seers would not be likely to see the whole picture: they would penetrate only into whatever planes had a vibration similar to their own. Adding to the confusion, everything in the astral light is said to be reversed. How could anyone know, when peering into it (perhaps to try to look into the future), if one were reading hopes and wishes, or actual causes that had been set in motion?

Still, the experience of seeing into any of the invisible planes can be so intense that it feels as if a fundamental truth has suddenly been revealed. Some are convinced that God has spoken or sent a message, or even the Devil, it feels so extraordinary that it seems it must be completely spiritual (or conversely totally demonic). But the astral light is also a plane of existence for entities that have faculties and forms of their own which are not at all like ours. Elementals which have to do with the forces of nature exist there. They have no recognizable form, the seer gives them shape and structure which perhaps is why we sometimes see entities (the devil with horns and a tail) which look exactly as we expected them to. Additionally all beings that die pass through the astral. When our physical body dies and drops away, we are not left without a vehicle. Our desire, vital, mental, and spiritual components remain for a time on the astral plane, still attracted to the body they once enlivened, and are sometimes even spotted in graveyards as ghosts or spirits.

At this stage of our evolution, the astral body of a human being interpenetrates the physical body, the teachings say that every sense originates in the astral or has an astral counterpart which is the actual center of sense perception. We see with astral centers which rely on the eyes for sense impressions. From this perspective our physical apparatus acts as a veil to limit our senses, protecting us from too much input that could be confusing or even harmful. The nightly news reminds us regularly of how we keep failing to live successfully with the capacities we already have. Imagine if someone possessed the ability to accurately read your mind or foretell your future? It takes a strong moral and ethical nature to handle such responsibility which tends to destabilize those who are not mentally and morally ready to handle it.

Seeing in the astral light is not done through the spirit or mind, but through the senses. In the same way that we must not believe everything we "see" physically, we would do well to reserve judgment on the seeming truth of what we see in the astral. Spiritual clairvoyance, on the other hand, describes a much larger illumination. It is sometimes depicted as sudden enlightenment or a flash of cosmic consciousness which brings a whole new perspective and deep inner understanding. In the same way that we take in more with a glance than we ever fully notice, true inner sight (insight) can comprehend more in a glance than is possible for all the five senses put together. Like a grand Ah ha! experience it brings together all the issues and questions in a new way. Like Archimedes jumping into the bathtub, Eureka! We suddenly understand! This Ah ha! experience is an immediate, direct perception which is transformative, everything is seen differently in the light of greater illumination. The essence of theosophy is this direct perception, this experience of understanding, wholeness, and divine wisdom we encounter with our hearts' vision. This kind of inner vision, insight, or second sight takes place beyond the reach of senses or of the logical, reasoning mind which wants to define and separate. We can't think our way to inner vision, it takes place outside of space and time, like a fifth dimension.

But mind does have an important role. If it is agitated or too narrowly focused it will block the vision. In general, limited thinking leads to limited vision, and the most limited thinking is that which revolves around ourselves. Like the fog bank, our self-centered thoughts hang around the lower planes. Our thoughts that can escape the bonds of self, naturally ascend to purer realms. Spiritual vision is too subtle for our physical senses and does not register on them, while the lower reaches of the astral light do.

How can we tell the difference? One guideline may be that the more universal and impersonal the content, the more spiritual the source. The more personal, specific, and exclusive, the more likely it is we are seeing into the lower aspects of the astral light. We live in an age where channeling, automatic writing, and psychic readings are all the rage. No doubt some are outright frauds, but many are sincere searchers fascinated by the glamor of their new-found powers. But who or what are these seekers seeking, and who or what are they in touch with, their higher self, the minds of others, the astral light, phantoms of the dead, or what? Learning to discriminate takes understanding of some basic principles, patience and practice. We benefit from discovering new ways of seeing things, real education may be learning to see the same landscape with new eyes. With an open heart and a discerning mind we need not be afraid to always walk with our eyes open.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Travel in inner space - Vedic theme of life

Open your awareness to the inner value of life to know the mechanics of functioning of the outer value of life. Even the different relationships of the planets and the stars can be located inside one's Self. Knowing the outer from within is the Vedic theme of knowledge.

Knowing the outer reality of life from the inner reality of Pure Consciousness is the Vedic theme of life. By opening one's awareness to the inner value of Pure Consciousness, it is possible to know the mechanics of the functioning of the outer world. All the different relationships of the planets and stars can be located inside, in one's own awareness. One can fathom, in one's own consciousness, the phenomenon of the ever-expanding universe; one can know anything from within one's Self.

All cosmic events influence the physiology. If one is to live life in proper alignment with all these influences, one must utilize the full organizing power of Natural Law to live life spontaneously in tune with all the Laws of Nature.

The memory of the starry world is patterned deep in the DNA. The laws that structure the physiology of the universe also structure the physiology of DNA and of the body.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Spirituality and Stages of Life - aspects of Hinduism

The spiritual aspect of Hinduism is known as the sanatana dharma (the ancient, or eternal, dharma). Central to this is the tenet of ahimsa, or non-harmfulness, the absence of a desire to injure, which forms the ethical basis for vegetarianism Ahimsa is also a central tenet of the heterodox Indian religions like Buddhism and Jainism.

The Bhagavad-Gita describes three paths to religious realization. To the path of works, or karma (originally sacrificial and ritual acts, but more recently applied to selfless work without desire for the fruits of one's labours, or for the service of God), and the path of knowledge, or jnana (e.g. the monistic Upanishadic and Vedantic realisation of the Self), and the path of devotion to God, or bhakti, a religious ideal that came to combine and transcend the other two paths.

Bhakti in a general form can be traced in the epics and even in some of the Upanishads, but its fullest statement appears only after the Bhagavad-Gita, gaining momentum from the vernacular poems and songs to local deities, particularly those of the Alvars, Nayanars, and Virashaivas of southern India and the Bengali worshipers of Krishna.

The spiritual aspect of Hinduism represent the fourth (and final) stage and goal of life. In Hinduism there are four stages of life (ashramas), and four “goals of a man” (purusharthas). The ashramas are the chaste student (brahmachari), the householder (grihastha), and the forest-dweller (vanaprastha), and the renouncer (sannyasi). The purusharthas are artha (material success), dharma (righteous social behavior), and kama (sensual pleasures), and liberation or release from samsara (moksha).

This was later modified into:

1. A Brahmacharya : a person walking the path of brahmaan. He takes the vow of chastity (never to indulge in sex), Non attachment to money or any place. Sanyaas (being alone) is a small part of the brahmacharya's life, the terms are not synonynous.

2. Householder (grahasti) : a person who marries and along with his wife, walks the path of dharma. He has to take care of his family and also do social work for the society.

Obviously, there have been quite a few disputes between advocates of both the paths, on which is better. However, Vivekananda and most vedantists are of the opinion that both are great in their own place.

These themes are not unique to Hinduism. Carl Jung speaks of two stages, establishing oneself in the world (the first half of life) and attuning more to the spiritual (the second half). The American adept Da Free John (Adidam) has seven stages of life, which loosely correspond to the seven chakras.

Cyclic Existence

According to Hinduism and the heterodox Indian religions, existence is cyclic rather than (in the Judeao-Christian and secular West) linear. In fact there is an endless series of cycles in the Indian cosmologies.

Time is both degenerative - going from the golden age, or Krita Yuga, through two intermediate periods of decreasing goodness, to the present age, or Kali Yuga (a similiar cosmologyw as propounded by Hesiod, and the Kali Yuga has been confouned with hesiod's "Iron Age") - and cyclic: at the end of each Kali Yuga, the universe is destroyed by fire and flood, and a new golden age begins.

Personal existnce is cyclic as well. After death, the soul leaves the body and is reborn in the body of another person, animal, vegetable, or mineral. This process of endless entanglement in activity and rebirth is called samsara. The precise quality of the new birth is determined by the accumulated merit and demerit that result from all the actions, or karma, that the soul has committed in its past life or lives. Karma accrues in this way; they also believe, however, that it can be counteracted by expiations and rituals, by “working out” through punishment or reward, and by achieving release (moksha) from the entire process of samsara through the renunciation of all worldly desires.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Your Inner Sense

Use your Inner Sense after Grounding yourself. As you walk look for the signs that most people cannot see. You can tell what has passed that way, with nothing but an almost imperceptible footprint. Reach out with your senses, can you tell about the owner? With enough practice you can begin to be able to tell the height, size, weight, age, sex, disabilities and diseases of the one who left the footprint. With Peace and meditation, You can begin to Sense people coming around the blind corner, before they knock on the door, go to the phone before it rings, throw away your watch and Sense events just before they happen! This is the Inner Sense.

Development and training of this Intuition doesn't happen overnight, it takes time. Most likely as you begin training, nothing will happen when you try, but when you let go of your thoughts, your Inner Sense will deliver this information to you.

Living in the moment.
What good is learning and following a tradition, teachers or masters if one cannot apply what has been learned in every day life? Yes, it is good for one thing to debate over the aspect of the tradition itself. An intellectual debate has relevance only when the tools of the tradition are referred to as a point of reference with the teacher or master as the authority.

The master of a Japanese or Chinese martial art is the Master of that tradition. But, there can come a time when the master turns to the student and takes back the final weapon and the student stands on his own as the master of his own Self. This is true mastery - the mastery of Essence.

For one who has handed back the last weapons in both the Japanese and Chinese martial Arts or become the master of his own Essence, what tradition would you say he follows?

Unless one can release all attachments to the knowledge, learning from books and following of teachers it is just that, tied to the limitations of a past tradition.

One learns to read Sanskrit, Hindi, Aramaic, Hebrew, Latin, and can translate these into English. What tradition does this person follow? Who are his teachers?

One studies Psychology, and spends time with a Taoist master, obtains a degree in Psychology and is ordained a Taoist Priest. Are these compatible, and which tradition is this person said to follow? Who are his teachers?

One studies yoga, and transcends to Bhakti after absorbing and realizing the intricacies of Hatha, Karma, Tantra, Kundalini, Jnani. Is this person a Yogi or does he follow a tradition?
The best that intellectual learning can be is a guide to the possibility that exists within yourself.

When the learning is applied to the life experience of the individual and all attachments to knowledge are released, only then can Knowledge and Experience merge into Wisdom.

With Wisdom comes Integrity, the Self Mastery of the Traveler.

There is one common denominator in all traditions which can only be realized when all the learning is applied firstly to the self. From this point on, there is no learning, only the embrace of knowing.

This is the ability to access the essence of the Inner Sense, to speak from the Inner tuition which transcends all traditions. The only authority is the Self in the moment.

This is the essence of humility as there is nothing to gain, nothing to lose and nothing to defend.

This is Tantra. It is the way of the Tao and the essence of Zen. It is the embodiment of the Christ Principle and the expression of the Buddha nature.

Once there is self mastery, there are no traditions and the essence of all traditions find their commonality beyond the fundamentalist doctrines of "should" and "should not".
Life has meaning and spiritual practice is a communion with life in the moment of living.
Once there is self mastery, there are no mysteries, no secrets, nothing that needs understanding, as all are embraced in the all encompassing moment.

I have found that one either speaks from essence or one speaks from limitation.
The Self is beyond the limitation of tradition, doctrine, teachers and masters. It needs no heroes and speaks with the humility of an individuality which reflects all limitations in the personality ego.

There is purpose behind Life and Love, everything you do and everything you are, even though you may not be able to see it in the moment. Enlightenment is bringing to the Light of daily consciousness all of those memories which are down in the unconscious 'body-mind' and running through you, through your DNA, without you even being aware of their existence. They are your gifts, your talents, and your limitations.

The Essence of the Pure Traveler

Shen Ku is an art form of multiple subjects of witch the logic is universally and timelessly applicable. It has profound relevance to ANY "Intelligent" life, in any galaxy, at any time, Past, Present, or Distant Future!

Your choice this second affects the entire universe thereafter!

With the development of self mastery, the seeker becomes a traveler, beyond religion, tradition, the teachings, doctrine and dogma. Spiritual practice is then, a communion with Life in the moment of Living.

Once there is self mastery, there are no mysteries, no secrets, nothing that needs understanding.

The 4 Logic’s of Shen Ku are jointly relevant and inextricably inter-linked. Together they govern:
All conscious progress
All situations
All of the time, transcending
All frontiers … Inter-galactically!

1) The choices of a single second affect all of those that follow.
2) The Means to any end is ultimately with in the Spirit.
3) Movement changes circumstances and with out change there can be no improvement.
4) Within each of us lie the hopes and fears of everyone else.

Pitfalls of Meditation

Most people find the benefits of meditation elusive, and in this short article I will show you what meditation is and what it isn't. And once you understand how and why it works, suddenly all your efforts will be magnified a hundred fold.

It's almost funny how people learn meditation from a book or a teacher, and all their efforts are simply aimed at mimicking their teacher. You can try with all your heart to perfect your teachers ways and techniques, but not until you understand how meditation works, will you see dramatic results.

It's as though someone wanting to learn about God walks into a church and does not leave, all the while thinking that what they have found is the totality of wisdom. Few people realize that there are 100s of ways to meditate, and when you finally do discover how to make meditation work for you, there will be 101.

All meditation falls into two categories. You're either meditating on a single object, to the exclusion of all else, like a candle flame, your breath, the inner light, or a mantra. In this way, by focusing on a single element you block out everything else, and are left with the experience of your true self, where all regrets and expectations melt away and you find yourself in a state of peace and bliss, one with everything and everyone. Or, at the other end of the spectrum, you may choose not to focus the mind but to let it run as it may, but establish yourself as an observer. Let all your thoughts and emotions appear and disappear. Watch them all come and go and eventually under the vigilante eye of the observer, you'll experience a great sense of power and purpose and you too will be at peace with yourself and everyone else.

Those are the two extremes. And though you may be able to see how your meditation technique fits into one of these broad categories, you still don't see how meditation works. You still don't understand why. We'll get to that.

A bull in a china shop will invariably make some mistakes. We, born into these human bodies, similarly cannot help but make mistakes. We're completely out of our element here. We are in fact, not physical beings who have a spiritual life, but spiritual beings who have a physical life. The mind controls all. And even though we speak coherently, walk and talk, and fulfill all our daily responsibilities, we, our minds, are as out of control as the bull in the china shop. All the things we do. All those skills we know, those are nothing more than learned behavior that we can repeat on command. In that way we're very much like a trained animal.

Our minds are out of control, and rightfully so, for as we are spiritual beings born into a physical body, the very nature of this union brings us to a comfortable state of dazed sensation. The sensation of the physical body and the sensation of the emotions we experience. These are pleasant. Even the painful ones are pleasant in their own way. These physical and emotional sensations are everywhere, from the moment we awake in the morning, until we close our eyes at night. No effort is required. Whether you're doing one of your trained tricks, watching TV or simply sitting alone in thought, we are always filled with these sensations. These sensations often overpower us, and for many, they can easily keep us from accomplishing our goals, for why work to achieve something great, when just being is so pleasant.

I met an acupuncturist who had lived in a Tibetan monastery for 12 years. After a few short words it was obvious to me that this was an enlightened man. It's so rare and refreshing to meet these disciplined individuals who have taken control of their mind and their lives, and no longer subject to the whims of sensation. I told him, I have a lot of important work to do, but I'm not getting anything done. That without deadlines, I seem to be endlessly procrastinating. I told him I felt guilty and asked him if he could help me with my procrastination. And he said, in the typical Buddhist vein, that I did not need to achieve anything, that I was already perfect, and I was exactly where I was supposed to be, that my procrastination was simply a self imposed burden that I could simply discard. And so I did, and I felt a lot better.

And here lies a great problem with meditation. It is a great calming tool, and it opens us up to a universe of knowledge, inspiration, but it is not known for it's motivating effects. Kind of like the man who searched for happiness and could not rest until he learned to maintain his happiness 100% of the time. And so it came to pass that he found his state of perpetual happiness. In this instance, what was originally conceived as a great and noble challenge, once reached, became a burden, for if you can set your mind to be happy all the time, then there is little need for doing much else.

And so it is with many spiritual endeavors. Success becomes defeat. The wisdom of meditation; the ability to control ones mind, can easily become a great oppressor. So often, with our meditation, we strive for inner peace, happiness, but these are personal goals and once achieved easily become self defeating. So I say to you, as you practice your meditation you should modify your discipline so that your efforts do not paint you into some blissful corner. No, understand what meditation is and focus your efforts in a way so that it will energize your goals and dreams.

All meditation is simply a means of controlling and subjugating the mind. Most people who practice meditation work very hard trying to perfect the technique they were taught. And when they finally make enough progress with their new found ability, to alter their consciousness and enter into a heightened state of calm and well being, they accept that as being the realization of their goal and there by proceed no further. And why should they. Their teacher taught them that if they follow these instructions, they would experience these results. And so they did. But all altered states become boring, so look for teachers who know enough to guide you from one to the next, in a slow directed progression, moving your consistently on to new horizons.

I know it is not easy to find such a teacher, but you should know they do exist. Most teachers are simply promoting their favorite discipline. Read the book. Listen to the lecture. It's all the same. The best teachers will listen to you and design an endless stream of little assignments, each one aimed at bringing you to a new horizon. Remember Carlos Castaneda? Don Juan was always giving Carlos all these tasks and assignments.

But for now, for the moment, all you have is this article and Blog. So I will give you a solution. Something concrete. Something valuable that you can walk away with. A new understanding that will allow you to proceed on your own: three key points you should focus on.

You meditate. You're spending the time, making the effort, so don't be caught in this major pitfall of meditation. When you find a rose, realize that you are making progress, but that progress is just the beginning. Continue looking for other flowers. Don't stop until you have a complete boutique. Each altered state is just a single scenic viewpoint. It's so easy to become enchanted with that view and continue to return only to that place, forgetting that the road continues on, with new spenders at every viewpoint.

Now. I'm going to give you a simple technique that will prevent you from getting stuck at any of these view points. Understand that meditating is like exercise. Normally when you exercise, you are exerting your will on your body, moving and strengthening your body. When you meditate, you are exercising your soul and spirit, exerting your will on your mind.

This technique can be summarized in three points:

1. Remember, the purpose of all meditation is simply to quite and focus the mind, which otherwise runs wild 24 hours a day.

2. To avoid being overwhelmed by, any thereby stuck on any single success or experience, don't accept idle bliss as success. Make sure your meditative efforts affect your physical life in some way.

3. To allow your efforts to have the most positive impact on your health and daily situations of your life, find a center and try to hold onto it 24 hours a day.

It all comes down to this: The Mind, remember, our minds are running wild, out of control. Your existing success with meditation will give you a quick spring board to new horizons. It is good that you can stop and take a breath, that you know how to look within, to find that peace and inspiration when needed. You use meditation to relieve stress and clear the mind. And this is good, but know there is so much more.

Most people sit quietly and meditate 20 minutes or a half hour. You must learn to meditate while you do all your other activities! Then you'll be meditating 6, 12 or even 24 hours a day. You want to see benefits? Do you want to put all your goals on the fast track? Continue with your half hour of quiet meditation each morning, but don't stop there. Find a center and try to carry it with you all day long.

Finding and using a center: this third point is the magic that you can take away with you. The secret is simply using your meditative skills to keep a center. We take the two extremes of meditation, focusing on a single element, and watching ourselves, and combine them together, taking the middle path. Start by using your breath as your center, throughout the day, while working, playing and relaxing, anytime your mind becomes idle return to the sensation of your breath. At first it's difficult but if you take the time to experiment, you'll see quick progress.

You see, even in our most, active state, the mind finds time to wander, and bathe in some unproductive intoxicating sensation. If you want to build maximum momentum towards your goals, you must take that wild mind and harness that power, transmute that energy. Understand that you are not attempting to hold onto your center to the exclusion of all else. If you were to do this you would not be able to get anything done. All you want to do, is continually come back to the center during your idle moments, and you'll find that all your activities are full of idle thoughts. Your center, your breath, becomes your companion and advisor.

Learn to distinguish between productive thoughts and idle thoughts. During productive thoughts you are doing something, making a decision, or designing something in your mind. During idle thoughts you are simply dazed by some irrelevant physical or emotional sensation. Replace that idle rambling of your mind with a focused center.

Experiment with different centers. Try combining a goal with your breath. For example, each breath you take brings you closer to your goal. The more breaths you watch the quicker you'll arrive at your goal. This is one of my favorites. Do all your normal activities. You should not be away from your center for more than a few minutes. It's difficult at first because you're kind of doing two things at once. Not really. You're switching back and forth. You, your soul is in control of your mind, and your soul willfully lends itself to the activity at hand, but always resumes the reins. It's like any other habit. After enough repetition it becomes automatic. You'll know you're there or getting close when you see your mind wander and as your mind flutters about in it's little orgy of sensation you suddenly hear those reins snap. It's your center calling out to you. When this happens you know you've found your grove. Continue. Strengthen that experience and soon you'll begin to see the many positive effects of your new mind power.

You have dreams and goals. I'm here to tell you that finding and keeping your center is the way to get there. Everything else is a diversion.

One last note for advanced Travelers: Remember, Your main objective is keep your mind from running wild and becoming a victim of sensation. Once you make some progress with one center experiment with others. Personally I switch centers often. Once you have a few centers at your disposal, you'll notice that given the choice, for any situation, one will work better than the others. Soon you'll learn which centers are most appropriate for what situations. Sometimes I find myself using more than one at a time. Or more accurately switching back and forth in a harmonic or musical fashion. You'll have fun with this. Try experimenting at restaurants or other public places and see if you can discern the effects of your unspoken center on the strangers around you.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Grounding Exercise

Stand in relaxed position with the feet placed directly under your hips, knees slightly bent, ankles relaxed and the armpits open. Press the tip of the tongue against the soft palate of the mouth. This connects the energy circuit of the governing (back) channel with the energy circuit of the functional (front) channel. Breathe by pulling the diaphragm down toward navel as you inhale. Imagine a weight hanging between your legs, attached to your coccyx by a cord. As the weight pulls your coccyx toward the floor, allow your sacrum to relax and sink down and forward with it. Relax the ankles. Relax the knees. Relax the waist. Imagine there is a cord attached to the top of the head that is gently lifting your head, allowing it to float above your shoulders. Fix your gaze on the horizon to infinity.

After fulfilling the above requirements, imagine that everything inside your body is comprised of nothing but thick water molecules and that the skin is made of rubber. Feel the water molecules pressing against the skin as gravity begins to pull the water molecules down through the body, toward the floor. As the water molecules are pulled lower and lower, you can feel the arms and chest begin to swell. The fingers feel as though they are swelling to an enormous size.

As gravity pulls the water molecules even lower, the thighs become thick and heavy. The molecules flow deeper into your legs and feet until your feet feel as though they are going to burst out of your shoes. Feel the feet spread. Feel the toes spread. Your body now feels like a pyramid, heavy at the floor and light at the top.

Continue to breathe deep into the lower abdomen. Allow your attention to move to your feet and notice where the primary weight is located. It should be in the middle of each foot. If it's not, adjust the position of your pelvis until it is. An imaginary plumb line should travel through the crown point of your head, to a point just behind your ear, through your shoulder, hip, perineum and ankle. Don't forget to be aware of the imaginary weight pulling down at your coccyx and the cord pull upward on your head. Relax the waist and allow the coccyx to sink down and forward.

Once you have accomplished the feeling of being grounded well into the earth or floor, imagine that the floor is pushing up against your feet, trying to up-root you. This is one of the most important aspects of the exercise. The more relaxed and grounded you become, the harder the floor pushes up against your feet. Use your imagination to keep the floor from pushing you upward. Hold the floor down. Do not allow the floor to push you up. Your feet will now feel as though they are glued to the floor.

After about 10 minutes, your feet will feel energized and your hands will become warm. Stand in this position for 10 to 30 minutes. Be sure to keep the knees bent.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

For every action... and thought...

Whatever notion is firmly held about the body concerning the body, that it becomes
-Yoga Vasistha, Vedic Sage

For every experience in the mind, there is a corresponding change in the physiology and biochemistry in the body. The essential foundation of mind-body medicine is that health is not merely the absence of disease. Rather, it is the "dynamic integration of our environment, body, mind, and spirit.

Reduce stress through meditation, improve vitality through balanced nutrition, and develope flexibility, energy and endurance through yoga and exercise.

Herbal medicine, massage , sound, movement, and aromatherapy are other tools that can advance mental and physical well being and that stimulate our body's intrinsic healing system.

Yoga, which means union, is an approach which conjoins all of the disconnected elements of the human being. It is anything that serves to unify the individual into a whole. Tantra is a systematic approach to dissolve personal limitations. The Tantric approach is to continually redefine personal reality. Tantra, according to those who practice Ayurveda, is the path of freedom. Through tantra, one aspires to recognize the unity of the Human and the Divine.

Ayurvedic healing traces its roots to the Vedic period in ancient India (1500 B.C.E.). Ayurveda is made up of two Sanskrit words: Ayu which means life and veda which means the knowledge of. To know about life is Ayurveda. (4) In the modern world, Ayurveda is increasingly popular because it speaks to those elementary concepts of contact with nature, holism, and we are what we eat. Its principles are not only used to treat those who are ill, but also to prepare a balanced meal and to construct a harmonious environment.

Ayurveda holds that functions of the body are governed by three biological humors called doshas - pitta, vata, and kapha. Each of these forces is symbolized by an element in nature. Ether and air combine to form the Vata dosha . Vata governs the principle of movement and therefore is the dosha that controls nerve impulses, circulation, respiration, and elimination.

Fire forms the Pitta dosha . Pitta is the process of transformation or metabolism.

Water symbolizes the Kapha dosha . Kapha is responsible for growth and protection.

Illness is caused by an imbalance in the doshas. Imbalance implies that the flow of energy through the body is disrupted. The disruptions are caused by the stresses of life and the buildup of body toxins from a bad diet or unhealthy habits. These disruptions can be cured by following the needs of one's dosha, through herbs and dietary changes, and by detoxifying the body with enemas and massages. When these forces act in harmony, the functions of digestion, absorption, and elimination (physical and mental) ensure proper health.

Meditation is supposedly the most important tool in Ayurveda because it works on the body and the mind simultaneously. The theory is that health is a higher state of consciousness and higher states of consciousness will naturally lead to better health.

Quantum Healing or quantum medicine is essential, according to proponents, for ensuring total health. This approach rejects the idea of reductionism, (that things can be understood in terms of their component parts) since everything is related. Quantum mechanics maintains that everything causes everything else. all parts of the human being-the mind, soul, and body-must be examined as one entity. The three components cannot be separated; when one is out of balance, the entire being loses its equilibrium,and quite possibly a loss of total well-being.

The body is not a frozen sculpture but a river of information and energy that is constantly renewing itself...We are quantum events, impulses of intelligence in the unified field; each part of the body has its own mind. It is not that there is a mind- body connection, mind and body are inseparably one, in every aspect of our psychology, at the levels of the cells.

Overall, quantum healing is healing the body/mind from a quantum level. That means from a level which is not manifest at a sensory level. Quantum healing involves a shift in the fields of energy information in the body, so as to bring about a correction in an idea that has gone wrong. "So quantum healing involves healing one mode of consciousness, mind, to bring about changes in another mode of consciousness, body."

I must emphasized the importance of a proper diet in order to maintain total health. Again, the Ayurvedic approach to nutrition is a consciousness- based approach, so that more important than any approach is "awareness of one's interaction with food as part of conscious universe."
This awareness exists on many levels: the awareness one has when putting the food into one's mouth, the awareness of the cook who has prepared the food, even the awareness of the farmer who has grown the product, all these influence the life energy or prana of the food. When one eats pre-packaged or canned foods, it does not provide the eater with the utmost feeling of energy because it is missing the life force/life energy, which is an expression of consciousness in Ayurveda.

Another important aspect of Ayurvedic nutrition is the emphasis on taste as an indicator. Knowledge about nutrition is obtained through taste and the effects of food in terms of awareness: whether particular foods make you feel heavy or light, congested or energized, hot or cold.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

September 21, 2005

The autumnal equinox (also known as Mabon to those who follow the Olde Way) occured today marking the first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere as the Sun crosses the celestial equator moving southward. After a day and night of equal length, our nights will begin to grow longer than our days and will continue to do so until the winter solstice in December. It is the time when day and night are equal. Here the land is full of the gifts of nature and the effort of humankind! The night air has a tang about it, the darkness of winter is coming and it's time for the earth to sleep until the sun is again brought forth from the dark.

The Second Harvest
In the ancient cycle of the year, this was actually the second harvest; the first harvest festival occurs on August 1st and is known as Lammas. As methods of agriculture The Harvest and Autumnal Equinoxbecame more uniform and sophisticated, the autumn harvest was moved back until the last possible growing time was completed to maximize its size. As such, the Autumnal Equinox became synonymous with not only the completion of the harvest, but also the end of summer.

Relationship to Thanksgiving
This final gathering of the crops and the beginning of preparations for the long winter that lay ahead marked a time of thanksgiving for all that Nature had given her children and for the completion of another turn of the Great Wheel.

Happiness, Peace and Success

Ten keys for Happiness:

(1) Listen to your body's wisdom.

(2) Live in the present, for it is the only moment you have.

(3) Take time to be silent, to meditate.

(4) Relinquish your need for external approval.

(5) When you find yourself reacting with anger or opposition to any person or circumstance, realize that you are only struggling with yourself.

(6) Know that the world "out there" reflects your reality "in here."

(7) Shed the burden of judgement.

(8) Don't contaminate your body with toxins, either food, drink, or toxic emotions.

(9) Replace fear-motivated behavior with love-motivated behavior.

(10) Understand that the physical world is just a mirror of a deeper intelligence.

Some inspiring thoughts which will help the reader find peace within oneself, with the objective, that what one thinks and feels can influence one's health. These thoughts include:

(1) When the mind is peaceful, inner energies wake up and work miracles for us.

(2) The use of love is to heal.

(3) Happiness radiates like the fragrance from a flower and draws all good things toward you.

(4) Healthy people live in the present.

(5) An intimate relationship allows you to be yourself.

(6) Accept what comes to you totally and completely.

(7) When life is full, it is only love, and when awareness isfull, it brings only love.

(8) Your mind gives you control.

(9) Health is not just the absence of disease, it is an inner joyfullness.

(10) Enchantment is our natural state.

(11) Attend to your own inner health and well being.

(12) Allow your love to nourish yourself as well as others.

Success in life, can be defined as the continued expansion of happiness and the progressive realization of worthy goals. Succinctly, they are as follows:

(1) Law of Pure Potentiality

(2) Law of Giving

(3) Law of Karma or Cause and Effect

(4) Law of Least Effort

(5) Law of Intention and Desire

(6) Law of Detachment

(7) Law of Dharma or Purpose in Life

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Law of Karma

In Buddhist teaching, the law of karma, says only this: `for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its cause was skillful or unskillful.' A skillful event is one that is not accompanied by craving, resistance or delusions; an unskillful event is one that is accompanied by any one of those things. (Events are not skillful in themselves, but are so called only in virtue of the mental events that occur with them.)

Therefore, the law of Karma teaches that responsibility for unskillful actions is born by the person who commits them.

Let's take an example of a sequence of events. An unpleasant sensation occurs. A thought arises that the source of the unpleasantness was a person. (This thought is a delusion; any decisions based upon it will therefore be unskillful.) A thought arises that some past sensations of unpleasantness issued from this same person. (This thought is a further delusion.) This is followed by a willful decision to speak words that will produce an unpleasant sensation in that which is perceived as a person. (This decision is an act of hostility. Of all the events described so far, only this is called a karma.) Words are carefully chosen in the hopes that when heard they will cause pain. The words are pronounced aloud. (This is the execution of the decision to be hostile. It may also be classed as a kind of karma, although technically it is an after-karma.) There is a visual sensation of a furrowed brow and downturned mouth. The thought arises that the other person's face is frowning. The thought arises that the other person's feelings were hurt. There is a fleeting joyful feeling of success in knowing that one has scored a damaging verbal blow. Eventually (perhaps much later) there is an unpleasant sensation of regret, perhaps taking the form of a sensation of fear that the perceived enemy may retaliate, or perhaps taking the form of remorse on having acted impetuously, like an immature child, and hping that no one will remember this childish action. (This regret or fear is the unpleasant ripening of the karma, the unskillful decision to inflict pain through words.)

If there are no persons at all, then there is no self and no other. There is no distinction between pain of which there is direct sensual awareness (which is conventionally called one's own pain) and pain that is known through inference (conventionally called another person's pain). Whether pain is known directly or indirectly, there is either an urge to quell it or an urge to cultivate it. Whether joy is known directly or indirectly, there is either an urge to nourish it or to quell it. In the conventional language of speaking of events personally, the urge to quell all pain and to nourish all joy is known as being ethical or skillful or (if you like) good. The urge to nourish pain and quell joy is known as being unskillful, unethical or bad.

Being fully ethical is said to be impossible for those who make a distinction between self and other and show preference for the perceived self over the perceived other, for such perceptions inhibit being fully responsive. Being fully ethical is possible only for those who realize that all persons are empty, that is, devoid of personhood.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Clairvoyance - Lessons

Before you begin get a journal or create a file in your computer to save the information received. This information will be shown to you in symbols - archetypes. You will need to be able to interpret them. Sometimes you can understand the message - while other times the symbol makes no sense at first. record it in your journal and place a date on the top. Some messages are shown only once - while others are shown over and over again - whether you understand them or not.

Lesson 1 - Opening the Third Eye - Seeing COLORS

Colors are very important as they are frequencies. Colors have tones and over tones.


Find a quiet place free of distractions. . .

Get comfortable

Close your eyes.

Relax your mind and body.

Focus on your breathing.

Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose.

Retain the breath as long as is comfortable.

Exhale through the mouth slowly and completely

Repeat for two more breaths . . . or as is comfortable.

Focus your mind to look ahead as if viewing a screen in just behind your forehead.

Your third eye will begin to open.

You are going to look for a color - any color.

You may initially see 'black' - but be patient.

Keep watching the screen

A color will manifest. It is often purple or indigo - the color of the third eye chakra.

Once you have experienced the color - stop for now.

Check out the meaning of the color. Try to connect something in your life with that color frequency.

Lesson 2 - Shapes

Today we will begin to look for shapes or images.

These images are always present - but unless you learn to 'look' for them - you will not pay attention. though most people don't pay attention to the images because their are not programmed to look at images.

The images can come from several sources - your higher self - your spirit guides - other entities.

It takes time to learn who is sending you the messages - but there is no hurry!

Sitting quietly and relax as you did in Lesson 1.

Focus on the screen in your mind behind your forehead.

After a minute or two you will see a shape or image.

Make a mental note of the shape as it may be an archetype that your cellular memory has set in for you at this time.

If the shape does not become animated then stop and record what you saw.

If it does start to move - note everything that it does until it stops.

I know that some people will complain that they are looking seeing nothing. This is usually because you are nervous. Practice deep breathing and try again later. You WILL soon see something!

To determine the source of the image is another lesson.

Next - try to discover the meaning of your shape or image. Some are easy to decipher - while others mean nothing. Record what you see.

Lesson 3 - Receiving Messages

Prepare as you did the past few days.

Think ....Please give me a message for today.

You may see one or more images appear.

Please take your time.

Watch as if it were a movie.

Do not ask questions.

After the images are seen - stop and record what you saw.

You may need time to interpret the messages behind the images.

If you can not determine the message at first - leave it in your notes. Its true meaning will come to you.

The message may be personal to you - or about universal matters.

Lesson 4 - Finding your 'Key'

Prepare to receive images.

Look at the screen in your mind . . .

Think, Show me my Key.

Relax and watch what emerges.

Do not open your eyes until the images stop.

Lesson 5 - Asking Questions

Prepare as in past lessons.

In you mind ask a question.

Wait for a visual answer.

Record what you see.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Spirit Guides

Spirit Guides are entities - physical and non-physical - who have chosen to aid others on the path to spiritual enlightenment as we are about to ascend to higher light - the evolution of consciousness - our natural state of being.

You may sometimes see a spark of light before you that blinks in and out for just a second. That is a soul spark. That is YOU.

You are frequency. Spirit guides are higher frequency. It's like turning on a television or radio - one need only adjust the station to the matching frequency to connect.

Connection is usually telepathic unless your spirit guide uses some form of telekinesis to move objects or manifest objects to reinforce their connection with you.

There are many ways to communicate with spirit guides. We label this Channeling.

Many spirit guides have had incarnations on the physical plane, as well as other realms. They, like yourself, exist multidimensionally.

Spirit guides are often your polar opposite - the other part of your soul which remains on the other side in higher frequency as your soul experiences in third dimension. We call this the duality of your soul experience. Soul Mates - Twin Flames

Spirit Guides may remain with you for a lifetime, or may may come and go depending on your needs and where they are needed.

As they exist in higher frequency - they are beings of light that may physically appear to you in humanoid form so you mind can conceptualize them better.

Spirit Guides sometimes show up as ectoplasmic forms - in photos or for you to see with your own eyes.

Spirit guides may be viewed as extraterrestrial entities who link you with another aspect of your soul experiencing in another reality. Remember that our souls is having many experiences at the same time in many relams of reality. Here in the third dimension most people are unable to conceptualize that idea as 3D thinking is too limitted using 10% of the brain - etc..

We all have at least one spirit guides. They vary in number.

Each guide generally comes in for a specific purpose in your life -

- Help you heal your issues and restore you to balance - Bring deceased loved one to you for closure or other emotional reasons - Help you with the spiritual mission you sense - Help with your creative work - Show you past/parallel lives - Soul Mate

Some guides stay with you for your entire experience in your present body. Others stay for many years then leave. You can ask a spirit guide to leave if you so chose. You can attract to your energies fields other guides.

Spirit guides 'speak' to you in many ways. Sometimes they are the little voice you hear in your head - your thoughts.

Often times they speak to you in dream state, meditation, altered states of consciousness, through the synchronistic things that occur in your life, through, art, music, dance, or acting.

If they really want to make a point they will create a synchronicity in your life so you will sit up and take notice. Synchronicities, in general, are experiences created by your soul to bring you into greater awareness of what is occurring in your life.

YOU and/or your spirit guides create the synchronicity in a higher realm - then you manifest it in third dimension. If you meet someone by accident - it is because your soul and theirs has made a decision to meet. There are no accidents. Everything is part of a giant web - sacred geometric blueprint.

Spirit guides travel interdimensionally as they have no physical form.

We are more aware of meeting them when we sleep. At that time we remove our consciousness from third dimension - moving to faster moving frequency - faster than the speed of light to connect with that other realms of existence.

It is here that we work with our spirit guides and plan what we will do in the physical realms when we return to 'wakefulness' - place our conscious mind back in our physical bodies - when we get up. Some seem dream time as Real Time - as that is where the true decisions are made. In third dimension we play out the events - hence this is dream time.

Meeting Your Spirit Guides

Meeting your spirit guides is a form of channeling. As with all channeling - this is not for everyone. If you have deep emotional problems - or find the guides you connect with to be negative or bring negative messages - please stop channeling. These exercises are to bring light and information. They could trigger your fears and cause anxiety if you want your answers to be ONLY the way you want your life to run. It is meant to help you talk to spirit in the light. It means that they will address things with you in a way that you understand - and is in your best interests based on your soul needs.

Day One: Listening and Viewing

You are going to ask non personal Yes or No questions for the first few days. All questions can ONLY be asked ONCE.

Telepathic communication with spirit is called clairaudience which is communcation by thoughtform - and Clairvoyance - communication by imagery on the screen in behind your forehead - or for the more advanced - images images in front of you or in your mind. When you communicate in this mnner your open the pineal gland.

They may be accompanied by physical sensations such as:

- pressure on top of your head. This is the opening of the crown chakra.

- a sensation on the left side of the body or face. This is the right side of the brain - the intuitive side - opening.

Sit down in a quiet place. You do not have to prepare as you would for meditation. You may do this with your eyes open or closed - whatever helps you focus more easily. Today you are going to listen to your thoughts....

Think Hello!

Relax and allow the answer to come naturally.

You should hear a thought message with an affirmative answer.

We are going to test this by asking 'yes/no questions' that are not personal.

Think - Is it sunny today?

You should hear the answer.

Is today Sunday?

Continue with one or two more non-personal questions that can answered with Yes or No.

You are adjusting your brain to 'listening' for messages.

Day 2: Getting to Know your Spirit Guide

Use only Yes or No questions. You may want to have a paper and pen close by to write down a name of message.

Practice with non-personal questions again. Ask...pause...listen with your mind. You connect telepathically - the movement of ideas through frequency in thoughform.


You should sense a greeting.

Think I would like to know your name.

If you have trouble understanding the name - listen hard - then come as close to what you 'hear' as you can. Spirit will accept whatever name you give. Some names are long and make have to be shortened - or a letter of the alphabet substituted.

May I call you _____? You will sense that the name is correct.

Once you get a name you sense is right for you and your spirit guide - proceed on to other telepathic questions.

Are you ready to answer questions?

Wait for an affirmative answer. It should be immediate.

You should ask questions about this spirit guide and their place in your life. What is their function? What is their connection to you? What can you do to find your mission? How many spirit guides do I have.

You can write down questions and answers.

Day 3 - Past Lives with your Guide

Prepare questions. Get comfortable. Greet your spirit guide. More 'yes / no' questions.

Did we know each other in a past life? Were we family?

Ask the about the nature of the relationship? Wife- husband? Mother - child?

Have we been together more than once? More than 5 times? Etc.

Ask questions about the times spent together.

Have I we ever reversed rules wherein I was your spirit guide while you lived on the Earth plane? Have you always been in my life - in this incarnation?

Day 4 - The Universe

Prepare a set of 'yes - no' questions pertaining to the Universe. Do not ask personal questions at this time.

Sample questions:

Did Earth ever exist in another dimension?

Is there life on other planets?

Do entities watch us from UFO's?

Were you ever an alien?

Are there angels?

Do they have a heirachy?

Do they help souls move to the next realms?

Day 6 - Reality and Other Dimensions

Ask only Yes or No questions

Are there many dimensions?

Are there entities in those dimensions?

Can a soul exist in more than one dimension?

Does the future co-exist with the past and present?

Is this reality a holographic projection?

Do we have free will?

Day 6 - Getting Personal

By now you should feel comfortable with your guide.

Today we will begin some personal spiritual questions. Do not ask about your romantic life or job! We will basically ask 'yes - no' questions. Some easy questions may be asked that require explanation.

Are you my only spirit guide?

How many do I have?

I would like to meet another guide today. Please have another guide come to talk with me.

What is your name?

Do you work with - - - (name the first guide)?

What is your function in my life? This can be asked of both guides.

Am I on the right spiritual path?

Will you guide me to the next part of my spirit journey?

Should I be working as a healer?

Do I meditate enough?

Do I need to take classes to guide me?

Will you lead me to a book or home page to further learn what I have to?

Is my current teacher - if you have one - OK? - Or is it time to move on?

Do I need to move to a new location to find my destiny? If yes - name places - still ask only 'yes - no' answers.

Continue questions. Take notes. DO NOT ask for long detailed explanations.

It might be fun to ask a question of each guide to see if you can tell the difference in their frequency thus getting more familiar with them. Address your guides by name. For those who have been listen to their guides for years - without realizing that they were connecting to spirit - this will be easy. They will say, "Ah! that is the one who has been telling me all of those jokes in my mind - all of those years. You will remember back to spirit - guiding you through various decisions, boring situations, saving your life, other times. Take your time with this. There is no hurry! Spirit has no 'time' table.

Day 7 - Biological or Adopted Family Relationships

Your greates karma is with your family - or those close to you who are like family to you. Sometimes these people remain in our lives forever and other times they they stay for a while and move on for reasons we may or may not understand.

Today we will focus on the subject of your biological or adopted family relationships. This is NOT to reference your love life, marriage, family you have created as an adult.

We will ask only Yes and No questions.

"Tune in' to your guide mentally - adjust your frequency to theirs.

You may greet your guide in any way you wish.

Sample questions:

Are members of my biological family from my past lives? Give names? If you are adopted - use this for biolgical and adopted family members.

Ask various questions about the members of your family in relationship to you and to each other.

It is fine to discuss members of the family who have passed over.

Ex. - Is the soul of - - - (Person is deceased) - the same soul as - - - (person is living)?

Do I have my strongest karma in this lifetime with - - - - -names given.

Did - - - (name) - - and I have a bad relationship in another lifetime? Do I own him / her something karmically? Is that karmic debt over? If yes - Can I release that family member from my life now?

Is my main karma in this lifetime to be the Caretaker of - - -(name person - usually the parent).

Does my soul have other biological families other than the one I know in 3D?

Is this another aspect of my soul experiencing on 3D now?

Is this in another realm?

If you believe you are a walk- in, ask about all family members - theirs and yours.

I have dreamed of parents on another planet - is this a reality? Past life? Parallel life?

- - - - -(name) - abused me as a child. Can I forgive (name) and balance the energies now?

Adoption questions:

Is my biological mother alive? Ask further about her - your father - siblings. Do I need to find them for karmic reasons? Will I find them? Does my biological mother want to know me?

You can include questions about foster parents if you feel connected.

Don't forget grandparents - and other relatives you knew while growing up.

Ask your guide if a deceased member of the family is available to speak with you. Ex. Can you bring my mother to speak with me?

You may have to pause to wait for another spirit to arrive.

You may smell flowers, or have other sensory experiences.

If you need to ask forgiveness about something - this is the time to do so.

Day 8 - Your Career / Job

Today we will be continuing with 'yes-no' questions. I know that many readers want to address their love life - but after we worked with family issues yesterday I would prefer to move to a subject that is not as emotionally based today. Though the work place can have many emotional issues attached to it.

Begin with a greeting to your guide and perhaps prepare a list of questions for today.

I am psyching that some of your answers are not a clear cut 'yes or no'. In that case - the information has yet to be determined based on other factors. We will move past 'yes or no' questions next week. We still want to keep things easy and direct.

Begin with a greeting to your guide. You may chose the same guide each day or ask for another guide. This does not mean that you can ask them each the same question. There is generally one main guide who is a partner to you and would be the one who you would address.

You can tell your guide that you are here today to discuss your job / career - but in all probability - he / she already knows that.

Sample questions:

Is the career I have chosen a lifetime career?

Will I have various changes in careers in this lifetime?

Will I have jobs or should I go to school and train for a career?

Women: Would I truly be happier at home raising a family and changing diapers? Would I be happier working part time?

To find my career - do I need formal education? training?

Am I best suited to be a - create a list of desired job choices.

(I know that most people would like to own their business - but you have to be realistic when asking that question.)

Businesses: Would I do better alone? With one partner? Two partners? Can I trust - - - ??

Will my business merge? Evolve into something else? Fail?

Is my job a 'dead-end' job?

Does my boss appreciate my work? Do I have personal conflict in the office?

Will my race / ethnic background, etc. impede my chances for finding my suited career? - to move upward in my career?

Am I settling for less than I could be because I am lazy?

Am I smarter than I realize?

Could I return to school after years of absence?

Can I find a career that I am 'passionate' with?

I want to work in Metaphysics. Can I earn a living working in that field? Can I work part time in metaphysics?

Will I get a promotion in 1999? 2000? other?

Will I stay at this job until I retire?

Will there be a 'buy-out'?

Can I work from home? With my computer?

You will think of dozens of questions.

Day 9 - My Love Life

You are finally ready to ask 'yes - no' questions about your love life. Now this is where things get tricky as the ego always 'kicks in' here.

Remember first answers count!

You are ready to begin.

Sample questions if you have a partner now . . .

Is - - - (name partner) my soul mate?

Are we together because we have karma to work out?

Do I owe - - - a karmic debt? Does - - - - owe me a debt? Do we both owe each other?

Is - - - my lifetime partner or will I have another?

Is my partner growing spiritual as I am? Is this important to keeping us together?

Have we grown apart?

Am I holding on to a relationship that is over?

Does - - - - really love me?

Can - - - - love in a spiritual way?

Does my low self esteem enter the picture?

Why do I stay with - - - ? Name choices - money - children - scared to live alone - other.

If you are gay you can ask . . .

Is there a reason I came in gay? Genetic? karmic?

Was I prejudiced in a past life?

Are there learning lesson here?

Does my soul prefer a male - (or female) role?

Is this the first time I came in gay?

Am I a gay male to hold female frequency, which I would not be able to do if I was straight?

Am I afraid to admit that I am gay?

If you are single you could ask . . .

Will I find a soul mate?

Does my soul mate exist on the Earth plane now - in a physical body?

Is my soul mate my spirit guide?

Will I marry? - live with someone - ?

Do I need therapy to maintain a relationship?

Do I sabotage relationships?

Will I ever have a child (if childless).

Is the life time commitment partner what I really want - or would I prefer to change partners as my needs and theirs change?

Would my soul's needs best be met - by living alone? with a mate?

I have searched for a partner all of my life. I am now 40 and have never met the perfect partner. Is this because - I am too picky? I really don't have a partner here? I will not marry?

Is my destiny on Earth other than marriage and children?

Is my karma - parental caretaker?

Day 10 - Your Love Life

Today we will talk to spirit but seek detailed answers. Only the first answer is the correct answer.

I am sure that many readers have already moved into conversations with their guides - but for those who have no - let us begin today.

Decide on the guide you wish to work with. Prepare a few questions or subjects to discuss. Greet your guide. Take notes.

Sample questions if single . . .

Do I have a soul mate out there? Describe him / her to me . . . physical description - age - career - astrological sign - where the person lives.

How will we meet? internet? introduction? social occasion? chance meeting? other?

Will that person be ready for a full time commitment? If not - why?

Tell me about past lives with that person?

I have just met - - - - - ? Is this my true soul mate? Ask detailed questions.

If married . . . ask why you and - - - - are together - karma? love? soul mates? money? afraid to be alone? discuss with your guide.

Day 11 - My Goals in Life

Time for 'yes-no' questions about your goals in life. Next week we go for questions other than 'yes-no'. Had to fix up my Spirt Guide file yesterday. Fixed up automatic writing as well.

By now you should sense that your guide is near you and ready to answer your questions. Greet him / her in whatever way you chose.

Sample questions.

Are my goals in life realistic?

Should I see the 'sky the limit' when creating my goals?

Do I need to change my goals pertaining to - love life? marriage? work? other?

Will I ever realize my goals?

Think of other questions.

Day 12 - Job Questions and detailed answers . . .

Today we are going to ask job questions with more detailed answers. Let's begin . . .

Am I working in the right career? If not, what would you suggest?

Am I emotionally capable of going back to school to further my career? Ask for suggestions for courses?

If someone is bothering you at work - ask what you can do to balance the situation - other than quitting.

Is a co-worker 'back stabbing' me? Find out why.

Continue a line of questions about career - job - relocation - your emotional aspects connected to your job.


Chakra means Wheel in Sanskrit.

The body has spinning energy centers that look like spinning wheels and are called, Chakras.

As with all things in our reality, they are linked to sound, light and color.

To heal, is to bring the chakras into alignment and balance.

THE CHAKRA WHEELS: Crown Chakra, Brow Chakra, Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus, Spleen Chakra, Root Chakra.

Chakra color frequencies also follow correlate with the musical scale.

No Chakra Note Color
8 C '
7 Crown B Violet
6 Third Eye / Brow A Indigo
5 Throat G Blue
4 Heart F Green
3 Solar E Yellow
2 Sacral D Orange
1 Base C Red

Base: Kundalini: Root Chakra:
Located at the base of the spine.
Contains the primary 8 cells that have all of the knowledge of
creation and remain the only cells in your body that do not
change in your lifetime. It grounds us in the physical world.

Spleen: Located just beneath the navel, and
related to our sexual and reproductive capacity.
Blockage manifests as emotional problems or sexual guilt.

Solar Plexis: Seat of Emotions. Gives us a sense of personal power
in the world. Blockage manifests as anger or a sense of victimization.

Heart Chakra: Blockage can manifest as immune
system or heart problems, or a lack of compassion.

Throat: Tied to creativity and communication. Feels pressure
when you are not communicating your emotions properly.

Third Eye: Pineal Gland: Is a physical eye
with the capabilities of looking upward.

Crown: Connects you with message from higher realms.
Can be experienced as a pressure on the top of the head.


1st Chakra - base/perinium, red, Earth, survival, grounding, stillness, elephant, earth

2nd Chakra - lower abdomen, orange, water, emotions, sexuality, desire, tears, crocodile, moon

3rd Chakra - solar plexus, yellow, fire, will, power, anger, joy, laughter, ram, sun

4th Chakra - heart, green, air, love, balance, compassion, antelope

5th Chakra - throat, blue, throat, ether, sound, communication, creativity, expansion, excitement, deer

6th Chakra - (third eye or adjna centre) forehead, indigo, forehead, light, clairvoyance, psychic abilities, imagination, dreaming, owl

7th Chakra - top of head, violet, top of head, thought, spiritual connection, understanding, knowing, bliss, God


Everything is made up of electromagnetic energy vibrating at different frequencies that correspond to sound, light and color.

Colors are frequency wavelengths - the primary colors following a spectrum called ROYGBIV - the rainbow spectrum - the chakra system of energy wheels - the human aura - or electromagnetic energy field.

We are drawn to the colors - that are needed to create balance in our lives. The goal in all healing is to create balance.

Color Frequenices


Red is the color of energy, vitality and power. It is used for burning out cancer, drying up weeping sores or wounds, etc., it will warm cold areas to reduce pain. Red is a powerful healing agent for healing diseases of the blood and circulation. It will help with depression. Red is not to be used on people with high blood pressure or anxiety. If you stay under the red ray too long or are exposed to red for a considerable time it will make you very agitated or even aggressive. It is associated with the male polarity. A red carpet or wall - in a place of business - will draw money. If you are a sales person - try wearing something red!!


The mental body in both its logical and conceptual form. It is used to increase immunity, to increase sexual potency, to help in all digestive ailments, chest and kidney diseases. Orange will have a gentle warming effect if used lightly. Orange, like red should not be used for too long. It is not a good color for nervous people or people easily agitated.


The peach frequency is used for peace, truth, and balance.


Yellow is the color of intellect and it is used for mental stimulation, it will help you think quicker. It is good for clearing a foggy head. To help cure dermatitis and other skin problems and again it must be used carefully because it is very stimulating and it could cause exhaustion and depression.


Green is the color of healing and traveling back in time. It will balance the emotions and brings about a feeling of calmness. Green is a good general healing color because it stimulates growth therefore it is good for helping heal broken bones - regrowth of tissue of all kinds. Green is also alchemy - the alchemy of consciousness from one realm to another through the spiraling energies of DNA - Sacred Geometry

Green as a healing frequency can be placed around family members who are ill. Though many of you are not attuned in the palms of your hands with this frequency color - it is part of you now.

If you wish to heal someone - begin by asking the person if they wish to be healed. That may sound like a silly question but it is necessary. Help them find the emotional base for the ailment if you can, before you heal anyone.

You can not promise to heal them but you can make them feel more comfortable and show them how healing is done. Perhaps you can awaken the healing abilities in others. Just remember not to force this with anyone who is not ready and that healing is not for everyone.

When you and the person are ready to begin, find a calm quiet place. Be sure the person is relaxed with what you are doing and assure them you will not hurt them in any way. If you have a favorite healing crystal--use that when you heal.

The person can sit or lay down. No need to remove their clothing. Work first with the emotional aspects of the problem. Give the person hope. Get them to relax.

Ask your guides to protect you so their energies do not enter into your frequency.

Visualize the color green coming through your palms as you hold them just above --or gently on--someone with a problem.

Scan their body for 'hot' or 'cold' spots. That is where the blockages are. Tell them what you are doing and what you see and feel.

Now visualize the green healing energies coming through you as you work. Visualize them entering the person's body at the higher levels, especially the emotional body. Watch them sift through the cells of the person who is ill and moving the Chi energies.

You can have a third person take a picture of your doing the healing to see if you get a green aura of light around you or the person.

Feel your connection to the higher frequencies as you heal. Work with the heart chakra as it is the frequency green. You may even take it to the newer frequency of green=turquoise (green -blue).

There is no time limit for this. Usually a few minutes is all that is needed. Try to repeat the healing for 3 consecutive days--10 minutes a day.

You can heal yourself as well.

You can teach others to use the color green to heal.

You can send the green frequency to the planet for healing.

Try a past life regression with someone you trust placing them in the green bubble. See where you knew them in another lifetime. Green takes you back in time.

Emerald Tablets of Thoth


Today let's use the green frequency to connect with nature. Prepare as you would for meditation. Once relaxed - see yourself in nature--a beautiful green field--flowers--animal--the mineral kingdom.

Wander through the field. . . perhaps you meet some of the Nature Spirits. Ask your spirit guide to meet you there and walk with you. He / she waits with his hand extended to you.

Feel the energies of the nature kingdom. Connect your energies with them . . .become one with a plant, tree, forest of green. Once your have become connected look through the eyes of the plant. Can it communicate with other plants? If so, how? Try it? Call out to a plant in your home--garden--neighborhood. Say 'hello'! Ask about the changing frequencies.

Do all of the trees communicate globally as is written? Become a tree and experience on that level. Ask the tree about planet changes now.

Connect to the energies of the 'indigenous people' and experience nature through their eyes. After all, isn't this planet all about experience in the third dimension?

Use your green light to send love and balance to all of nature today.


Blue is the color of electricity. We live in a program created by electromagnetic energy - blue white ...back to source.

Blue is the color of truth, serenity and harmony, by helping to soothe the mind. Blue is good for cooling, calming, reconstructing and protecting. Blue will help feverish conditions, it will help stop bleeding and it will help with nervous irritations. It is very good for burns. Too much blue could leave you cold, depressed and sorrowful.

Blue is found in to prophecies about reality moving into higher frequency - viewed by us un linear time as the future. Midnight blue 12:00 - December 21, 2012 - Mayan Calendar - the end of Time. We have gods and goddesses returning at the end of time - Hopi Blue Kachina - Blue Star Prophecies.

We have Isis/Sirius - Alien channelings of a future in balance. Speaking of channelling we have ascended masters linked with rays or colors - El Moyra being of the Blue Ray.

There are also the Indigo Children who some people feel are more evolved though I seem them with many disabilities. This will cause them to heal isues and thus help others.


Purple is also a color that will connect you with your spiritual self. It is good for mental and nervous problems. It will assist very well with rheumatism and epilepsy. Helps with pain, is used in deep tissue work and helps heal the bones. Too much purple and you don't tend to live in this world.

Visualization in the Deep Purple Frequency

Prepare as you would for meditation. Visualize the color purple, deep, rich, flowing around you. It begins to take form and merges with liquid gold as we prepare to move into the yellow and white light next week.

As the liquid colors flow together-- they create a crown of elegance just for you! Place the gold and purple crown on your head. You are now own your full power.

You can be whomever you choose to be. You can open your crown (chakra) to accept information from the highest source. Your psychic gifts begin to unfold. Your gifts of clairvoyance (seeing) and clairaudience (hearing) begin to increase and will continue to do so every day from now own. You are regal, royal, special. Ask spirit for your spirit name. (We all have one). Place your name on your crown.


Lavender is the color of equilibrium, it helps with spiritual healing. The Violet Flame - is supposedly charged with the light of divine freedom. It is used to burn off karma from other lifetimes on all levels.


White includes all of the colors spectrum. It represents the source of conscious creation. It will purify the body on the highest levels. It is the highest charging field to bring peace and comfort at the highest level.

The Frequency of White Light

White has always been seen as transcendent - pure - perfection - innocence, chastity - triumphant of spirit over the flesh.

White is the color most often connected to cleanliness or clean - with phrases like "Pure White" or white and clean.

These are some of the reasons a bride wears white in most societies. White denotes spiritual authority.

A woman wearing a white robe denotes the love-life-death meaning such as Delphic Aphrodite of Tombs, the Scandinavian Frigg and Teutonic Hel/Freya which is the Beloved goddess of death.

In Celtic tradition the terrestrial goddess wore white.

In Alchemy white is the feminine principle as represented by the 'The White Lily'.

In the Arendian white is sacred.

To the Aztec it was the dying sun or night.

To the Buddhist tradition, white is self-mastery and redemption. It is representative of being lead from bondage - the highest spiritual transformation.

To the Chinese, white is mourning.

In Christian beliefs white is the highest color representing the purified soul, joy, virginity, integrity, light and a holy life.

White is always worn in Christian religions at the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage.

In Catholicism it is symbolic of the saints not suffering martyrdom and virgin saints.

Druid priests wore white. It was the color of baptism.

Greek tradition uses white for mourning, love, just about all themes white is symbolic there.

In Hinduism, white is symbolic of Pure Consciousness---sattva-- upward movement, the light and manifestation.

Maori tradition holds white as meaning truce or surrendering.

To the Mayan in represented peace and health.

Roman tradition wore it for very propitious occasions

White is probably one of the most respected and well received of all the colors.

All cultures and societies seem to embrace the color white as pure, innocent and auspicious. The acceptance of white has weaved itself through all millennia from religion, philosophies, poetry and just about every human endeavor. Each time I study the different energy patterns and associations we give to colors---white seems to be the one that humankind writes the most about...when it comes to higher ideals and anything that represents the loftier values we see it as white.


Silver is the color of peace and persistence. It is the major purging color so it is very good for removing unwanted diseases and troubles from the body. It is best for cancer of tissue and blood.


Gold represents of alchemy of consciousness. It is the strongest color to help cure all illness. It is so strong that many people are not able to tolerate it, so people have to be conditioned to gold over a period of time. Gold strengthens all fields of the body and spirit.

Color Healing Using Candles

Lighting colored candles that coordinate with what you need. For example if you want to gain knowledge, light a yellow candle. Light a pink candle to send love. Blue to resolve a spiritual problem. Lavender is good for healing. Silver is good for protection.

Color Healing Using Lamp Radiation

Use a lamp and colored light bulbs. Bask in the light as you watch TV - meditate - or whatever you are doing. To gain more energy while reading--use an orange light. Green lights are good to use when healing. Blue or violet are great for spiritual work.

Color Water Healing - Sun's Energies

Place the colored gels in clear water. Cover it and place it in the sun. the sun will go through the colored gel into the water and energize it with the sun's energy and that of the particular gel. You can drink this water.

The sun's rays have been known to have magical healing qualities. These rays passed through a spectrum, will give you colors that have very good healing qualities for certain illnesses and injuries. It can be used in the form of passing sunlight through panes of colored glass or filters.

Color Breathing

See the colors enter your body with each breath. Select the color you need and see it enter and go to that chakra.

Color Visualization

Visualize yourself bathed in the colors you choose to resonate with. It can be a light that surrounds and enters your body. However you see it healing you.

Radiant Color Magnetism

You can channel color through your hands for healing purposes. you can do it on yourself or on another. You can use it on animals or plants.

Color Healing and the Rays

One of the most powerful ways of doing color healing is by calling forth from God one of the Twelve Rays.

First ray............Red
Second ray.......Orange
Third ray...........Yellow
Fourth ray.........Emerald Green
Fifth ray............Blue
Sixth ray...........Indigo
Seventh ray......Violet
Eighth ray.........Seafoam Green / Violet luminosity
Ninth ray...........Blue-Green
Tenth ray...........Pearlescence
Eleventh ray......Orange / Pink luminosity
Twelfth ray.........Gold

Color Healing - Clothing

The colors you wear effect your mood and that of those around you. You may be drawn to wear a certain color on a particular day. It usually means that colored is need by one of your sheath bodies.

I generally wear silk shirts and slacks to do my work every day. Each morning I look through my closet at a collection of shirts mostly long sleeve--that I have in every color-- some in various shades--like four shades of purple.

I must have at least 50 silk shirts--all of which I love and wear! I am not a person who keeps useless things around. I am always throwing --or giving --things away!

I am never sure why I chose the color shirt I pick to wear that day-- but a psychic connection always seems to exist between the color I select and the clients I read. I never know in advance what each client is coming to discuss--even if they are repeat clients.

I just stand in the closet--it is a huge closet-- look around--psych a color--and get dressed!

It is as if I choose a color that is the frequency that they need brought into their vibrational fields. Often I feel the color chooses me!

Here's an example:

One day I chose a pink shirt. Everyone who came for a reading came to talk about a "love relationship". Another day I wore royal blue. All of my clients that day were on a spiritual path.

Think about the colors you choose to wear each day. Look at your colors for today. This was probably selected on a subconscious level. See how it applies to your activities of today! Just what is it that you were seeking today?

Color Healing and Your Surroundings

The color of your surroundings--at home--work-- in your car--can determine your mood. Selecting the correct color for your bedroom can help you sleep better.

Colors and the Food You Eat

Eating food of certain colors can actually balance your energies. This is true of the liquids you drink.

Astrology and Color Healing

Scorpio--Crimson Red
Sagittarius--Deep Clear Blue
Capricorn--Black and White
Aquarius--Blue with Silver Lights
Pisces--Soft Azure

The Planets and Color Healing

Sun--Gold, Bright Yellow
Mercury--Yellow, orange
Venus--Blue, Blue-Green
Jupiter--Purple, Violet
Saturn--Olive Green
Uranus--Electric Blue, Pale Green, Citrine
Neptune--Dark Blue, Indigo, Grays, Green
Pluto--Yellow, Pale Green, Navy Blue

The world may appear a more colorful place to women, according to a new study that finds many women perceive a greater range of colors - particularly shades of red - than men are able to see.