Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Boost Your Energy - Tip #2:

Get a Good Night Sleep
8 hours of sleep per night is optimal. But what many people don't know is that the actual time you fall asleep is important too, sleeping from 1 am to 9 am is not as restorative as sleeping from 10 pm to 6 am.

The reason why is because hormone secretion, body temperature, digestion, and other important restorative processes follow a 24-hour cycle linked to natural light exposure. The later in the evening we fall asleep and the later in the morning we wake up, the more out-of-sync our cycle becomes. If you've ever gone to bed at 3 am and woken up the next morning at 11 am, you may have noticed that you feel worn down and not fully "with it".

Growth hormone is one such restorative hormone. Eighty percent of growth hormone, which is needed for lean muscle, optimum immune function, and strong skin, is secreted during sleep between the hours of 11 pm and 1 am.

Try to go to bed before 10 pm. It may be difficult to get used to getting to bed at an early time, especially if you work late or if night-time is your only downtime and you like to watch late-night television. But you'll be rewarded with increased energy.